Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mary, a Savior as Christ

Stephen was not able to withstand the document below and totally blocked my participation in his forum.

I found this when doing some research on Matriology, the belief by Catholic that Mary is a Savior, just like Christ. This is from Ratzinger's funeral eulogy to Pope John II.

The original source is here http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/2005/documents/ns_lit_doc_20050408_messa-esequiale-jp-ii_it.html

Final Commendation and Farewell

Following the prayer after Communion, the Dean of the College of Cardinals performs the rite of the final commendation and farewell. Standing next to the coffin with the other concelebrants, he invites those present to pray with these words:

Dear brothers and sisters, we entrust to the most gentle mercy of God the soul of our Pope John Paul, Bishop of the Catholic Church, who confirmed his brothers with belief in the resurrection.

We pray to God the Father through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit for the deceased, so that, ransomed by death, he may be received in his peace and that his body may rise on the last day.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Apostles and SAVIOR OF THE PEOPLE OF ROME, intercede to God for us so that the face of his blessed Son may be shown to our Pope and comfort the Church with the light of the resurrection.

All pray in a moment of silence.

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